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I knew it was in vain to cry 'murder!' in the Mint, so I had recourse to stratagem. “Idiot!” She raged inwardly while she walked along with that air of self-contained serenity that is proper to a young lady of nearly two-and-twenty under the eye of the world. ’ Shock ripped through Charvill’s chest. “Suppose I chuck it,” she remarked, standing with the mauve slip in her hand —“suppose I chuck it, and surrender and go home! Perhaps, after all, Roddy was right! “Father keeps opening the door and shutting it, but a time will come— “I could still go home!” She held Ramage’s check as if to tear it across. It might have been the moon, or the phosphorescence of the broken water, or it might have been his abysmal loneliness; but suddenly he caught her face in his hands and kissed her on the mouth. She would look up, shake her head, and then go back to her reading or crewelwork. I tore the marriage certificate from his pocket and burnt it. ’ ‘Yes, but what is it, Jacques?’ demanded the lady. “Your name and address in his pocket was no delusion,” he said sharply.